Monday, September 25, 2006

Scotsman are the best

That's why kilts are not only comfortable but also fun to wear.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Simpsons voices

Ever wondered how the Simpsons voices look like? Here you go!


Some other clips of Bushisms and some comments on them.

Watch till the end for there's a wonderful song waiting for you by the GWB singers... ;)

Is Bush An Idiot?

Someone finally asks that question. Thank you Linda Ronstadt for that comment!

Friday, September 22, 2006

The lion sleeps tonight

The lion sleeps tonight

I just love this clip - nothing world shaking, but worth a watch. :)

Monday, September 18, 2006

Found porn

The other night while I was surfing the net I stumbled across the term "found porn" which pretty much relates to unintentional frivolity. Something only the corrupted minds might find funny or even arousing.

Well you're asking for some examples i guess...
Let's bring it on then...

Wanna know where kids actually come from?

Sometimes it's just bad translations...

Sometimes you think the product's stylist of the package did indeed intend a joke like here:

and sometimes you just have to be in the right state of mind to see what people find funny here:

Another annoying thought: Even when you die people can make fun of your name:

That's all 4 2day folks...

Language switch

I just figured I might as well write my blog in English - since I don't blog everyday anyway I could just practice my English skills a bit.

So: in case you find anything annoyingly incorrect or just plain stupid - it might just be my rapidly degrading active vocabulary. Not to speak of grammar mistakes...